Category: HowTo

  • Installing Open-Xchange 7.8 on UCS when the master is on 4.3

    OX is on the verge of releasing Version 7.10. That version will not be supported on (or packaged for) Debian 8 Jessie, but only on Debian 9 Stretch (and of course RedHat and SuSE). On the other hand, 7.8.x will not be supported on (or packaged for) Stretch. The latest UCS version is 4.3 at […]

  • Howto: Using check_mk/WATO via ssh and jumphost

    I thought I’d pen this down right here as it took me a bit to really figure this out. Problem: I have some Hosts I would like to monitor but I cannot access them directly (VPN also isn’t an option in this case), so I would like to monitor them using SSH, some directly, some […]

  • Bridged Xen on Debian Wheezy on a Hetzner Server

    Xen (not XeServer, btw!) seems to have taken a bak-seat recently, RedHat/CentOS/Fedora concentrating on KVM and Debian silently neglecting it. This is reflected in documentation, there is a lot of outdated stuff around, especially about bridged setups. Same occurs to packages, at least in Debian Wheezy (NB: I also tried on testing, same results with […]

  • HowTo: Hetzner Backup-Server Automount

    Das Problem: Hetzner bietet bei einem Root-Server zwar 100GB Backup-Space an, auf den kann man aber nur per FTP, SFTP oder CIFS zugreifen, es ist z.B. kein direktes rsync möglich. Ursprünglich hatte ich den backup space einfach ständig gemounted, allerdings gab es immer wieder Probleme mit hängenden Handles, vermutlich gehen die Backupserver in einen Energiesparmodus etc. […]

  • HowTo: VPN between FritzBox and Sophos UTM (was: Astaro UTM) with DynDNS

    After searching ans trying quite a lot, I finally managed to connect my Sophos UTM 9 (which is very nice and free for hime users!) to my FritzBox. Especially the fact that I don’t have a fixed IP address at home makes this a bit tricky. Setup The UTM is running as a virtual machine […]

  • HowTo: Zwei Geräte an einen Waschmaschinenabfluss anschliessen

    Nachdem ich nun eine ganze Weile rumgesucht habe, und inzwischen erfolgreich war, dachte ich, ich stelle das mal hier hin, vielleicht nutzt es mal jemandem. Aus Platzgründen sind bei uns im Bad sowohl die Waschmaschine als auch der Geschirrspüler (letzterer auf ersterem). Seltsam, ist aber so. Dummerweise gibt es allerdings nur einen einzigen Wasser- und […]

  • HowTo: Create a simple Tag Cloud for existing HTML content using JS with jQuery

    Everybody loves tag clouds. Hopefully, otherwise I spent an hour for nothing creating one for There are a lot of plugins for jQuery, or external libs etc. for creating tab clouds, most times with fancy AJAX calls, JSON processing and a neat database backend. We only need plain jQuery and for some sexyness the […]

  • HowTo install Ubooquity on QNAP

    Ubooquity is a very nice little server which scans your eBooks and Comics and displays them in a tablet friendly way. It is Java-based and runs fine on your Desktop, but if you’re running a (QNAP-)NAS which already stores all your books, why not have them served nicely. Prerequisites I did this on A QNAP […]