HowTo install Ubooquity on QNAP

Ubooquity is a very nice little server which scans your eBooks and Comics and displays them in a tablet friendly way.

It is Java-based and runs fine on your Desktop, but if you’re running a (QNAP-)NAS which already stores all your books, why not have them served nicely.



I did this on A QNAP TS-421 (ARM-CPU) Running OS version 4.x, though this should work the same way (except the Java installation on x86 see link below) on any other QNAP NAS.

I am assuming that you already have IPKG installed and are able to log in via ssh and already have some experience with the (Linux-)shell.

Install coreutils, procps and Java

The start script for the daemon requires the nohup and pgrep command which unfortunately aren’t shipped with the basic installation.

So simply do a

ipkg install coreutils
ipkg install procps

Install Java

Follow the instructions on in order to install Java. In brief:

Install Ubooquity

Download the jar from and put it on your QNAP NAS. I created a Folder Ubooquity in Public/ where everything from Ubooquity lives, so it is in /share/Public/Ubooquity/ now.

Do a test run on the shell:

java -jar Ubooquity.jar -webadmin

Now you should be able to connect to the admin server on http://<qnapaddress>:2202/admin

Set a password for administration and play with the Web ui.

Install as a service

As soon as you close the shell from above, Ubooquity quits itself. Not very cool. So we need to install it as a daemon, a service starting on system start and then running all time.

Ubooquity provides a nice startup script called at Get it and put it next to Ubooquity.jar. As pgrep on QNAP doesn’t support the -c (count) option, we need to change one line:

Replace all occurrences of the line

count=`pgrep -fc Ubooquity.jar`


count=`pgrep -f Ubooquity.jar | wc -l`

QNAP provides a quite easy way to register an application as a service. Simply edit the file /etc/config/qpkg.conf and add the following block.

Name = Ubooquity
Version = 1.4.0
Enable = TRUE
QPKG_File = none.qpkg
Date = 2014-04-28
Shell = /share/Public/Ubooquity/
Install_Path = /share/Public/Ubooquity
Web_Port = 2202
WebUI = /
Author = Ubooquity

You may have to adapt the paths to your installation.

Now you can start Ubooquity in the App Center just like any other app.



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