Howto: Using check_mk/WATO via ssh and jumphost
I thought I’d pen this down right here as it took me a bit to really figure this out. Problem: I have some Hosts I would like to monitor but I cannot access them directly (VPN also isn’t an option in this case), so I would like to monitor them using SSH, some directly, some […]
Encrypted Backup-Server with Debian and Dirvish – LVM in LUKS
If you haven’t heard of Dirvish, it’s about time. It is a very neat, rsync and hardlink based backup solution, just like a pro version of Apple’s TimeMachine. What I want My setup is quite specific for my use case: Having used dirvish at work for a while I was still stuck with backup-manager on my […]
Bridged Xen on Debian Wheezy on a Hetzner Server
Xen (not XeServer, btw!) seems to have taken a bak-seat recently, RedHat/CentOS/Fedora concentrating on KVM and Debian silently neglecting it. This is reflected in documentation, there is a lot of outdated stuff around, especially about bridged setups. Same occurs to packages, at least in Debian Wheezy (NB: I also tried on testing, same results with […]
More on Accounting
Hier noch ein paar Bilder vom Accounting-Modul für PHPQstat …
HowTo install Ubooquity on QNAP
Ubooquity is a very nice little server which scans your eBooks and Comics and displays them in a tablet friendly way. It is Java-based and runs fine on your Desktop, but if you’re running a (QNAP-)NAS which already stores all your books, why not have them served nicely. Prerequisites I did this on A QNAP […]
checkrestart für Nagios und Check_mk
Falls es jemanden interessiert: ich habe einen kleinen Wrapper für Nagios und Check_mk geschrieben, mit dem sich checkrestart sehr einfach ins Monitoring einbinden lässt… https://github.com/zapalotta/scriptlets Update: Juhu, jetzt auch auf Nagios Exchange.